Tuesday, January 5, 2010

'Throw Down' Chicken Somen Noodles

'Throw Down' Chicken Somen Noodles - Serves 4

A lovely, fresh, quick and easy lunch that is healthy and packed with protein.

'Throw Down' because I threw this together as a quick lunch using whatever was on hand. Earlier in the week I bought a whole chicken, jointed and then froze it. It saves money and the meat is much fresher! I'm looking forward to using the different parts in different ways (including boiling down the bones to make a stock).

This recipe calls for Tenderloins which are the small 'bits' of chicken that kind of fall off the side of the breast meat. They are very juicy and as they are small, will overcook if you leave them on the heat too long. You could use breast or even thigh if you wanted to, the thigh will be fattier and I think a whole breast would make the dish a bit heavy BUT whatever works for you.

The recipe also calls for 'Somen Noodles' which are a mix between Soba and Ramen noodles and are usually available in the 'asian' section of your supermaket. If not, then see if you can find a good Chinese grocer - so worth it. I use the Hakubaku brand Japanese noodles but any brand will do and you could also use Ramen or Soba if you prefer. Basically you want something that will remain quite firm after cooking that is also high in protein (to fill you up!).

The dressing can be changed up to suit your tastes. Just make sure you keep a little citrus in there to even out the fattiness of the mayo and pesto.

'Throw Down' Chicken Somen Noodles

1 serving Somen noodles (or soba or ramen... pre-cooked*)
1 cup frozen peas
1/2 capsicum, chopped
chili to taste
garlic to taste
2 chicken tenderloins (pre-cooked**)
1/2 cos lettuce, chopped into chunky pieces - core removed.


1 tbspn pesto
squeeze 1/2 lemon
squeeze 1/2 lime
1 tbspn tahini
1 tbspn mayo
salt + pepper
bit of hot water

To make dressing:

Combine all dressing ingredients to form a smooth consistency, I usually use the chopping tool on my hand blender to get it together quickly. Add more hot water or lemon juice if it is too thick.

Boil 1cup water in fry pan.
Boil garlic, peas, capsicum + chili for 2 mins (til just cooked)
Add chicken, cook for further 2 mins (til hot)
Remove chicken
Add Noodles
Add dressing
Stir to coat and heat for 30 secs - careful not to let the Mayo seperate...
Remove from heat.

Pour into large bowl. Combine with chopped lettuce and shredded chicken. You may like to use a knife to help break the noodles up while mixing.

Eat. Even better after about an hour in the fridge.

(serves: 4)

Average per serve:

293 cals
1227 kj
13.1g fat***
1.7g sat. fat
14.9g protein
27.5g carbs
2.2g fibre

* Boil for 2 mins. Rinse under cold water to stop further cooking. No need to add salt.

I seasoned lightly with salt & pepper and then roasted in the oven @ 180 for about 15 mins

*** Majority of the fat comes from pesto, tahini & mayo. You could use lighter options and reduce this considerably.... ie. replace pesto with a low fat pesto dip, replace Tahini with low fat Hummus and use low fat Mayo instead of the high fat 'Kewpie' mayo (my secret delight!) I used for this mix.

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